Holistic Training for Caregivers with those of Exceptionalities
Blake Sheppard-Pardy teamed up with Paulette Moore to create a 12 Week care giver training for parents, workers, or service providers who work with those who have exceptionalities
Contact us today to find out more!!

We often see youth getting diagnosed with an exceptionality such as Autism and, or ADHD, and the parents go into overdrive looking for services for the children, therapy, ABA, school services and more. While it is important for the child to receive services, it is equally important that the parent do as well. The child should only have to do so much, it is unfair of the child to make all the changes happen within them. The parents need to understand what helps their child, and what their child’s brain looks like. In Labrador we are seeing a lot of youth getting diagnosed later in life, which leaves a lot of parents feeling confused, frustrated and blaming themselves. If they see that other parents are in the same boat, they can learn from one another, while learning valuable skills about supporting their children.

This is a training for caregivers, or professionals working with children with exceptionalities, with a special emphasis on autism and ADHD. However, this helps strengthen and improve every relationship. While being trauma informed and can add insight to healing the relationship that has been hurt due to trauma, and how to connect to a child with trauma.

This can be individualized to your community needs. With Blake Travelling into the community for the first and last session, and all of us joining virtually throughout the 10 weeks.
The projected 12-week program includes one intro class that lasts about 4-5 hours with supper/ lunch included, then 10 one hour a week classes, with a ceremony class at the end that is around 4-5 hours including a meal, a gift and a certificate. This is a hybrid approach, with Paulette traveling in for the First and Last class, and the 10-week sessions in between she will zoom in, while Blake facilitates the course. Each course will have snacks, at the beginning the families receive a binder, a notebook and pen. At the end they receive a gift bag. For 10 families around 20 people (two care givers are encouraged to come).